ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2009.03.07 0 0 27
mit ne mondjak, Wales-Argentin döntőben Walesi győzelemmel záródott a Dubai 2009 Sevens World Cup.

Ha hozzá veszem hogy a Skótok verték Ausztráliát a vigaszág Plate-ben
ill futottak még kategóriában Bowl döntüben Zimbabwe verte az Ireket.

akkor a Brit országok majdnem vittek minden ezüstöt, 6 nemzet haha mit csinál majd ha olimpián Great Britain szinbe kell kifutnia :))

néhány idézet:

Amatőrök, orvosok, diákok, ügyvédek csapata vagyunk, büszkék vagyunk hogy első argentin csapat vagyunk ami döntőt játszott Pablo Gomez Cora.

Két éve mindenki kiröhögött amikor arról beszéltem Kenya akár VB-t is nyerhet. Ime középdöntősek lettünk Coach Benjamin Ayimba.

7 rögbyt az Olimpiára. Fantasztikus sport, walesi Richie Pugh.

A vérnyomásom már rendben van.
A jó 100kg feletti Samoa edző Rudi Moors miután örömében cigánykerekt vetett az angolok ellen hosszabitásban megnyert meccs végén.


The best of the quotes from players and coaches in the men's competition on the final day of the Rugby World Cup Sevens 2009...

“Get Sevens in the Olympics. It’s an awesome sport. It’s been brilliant here in Dubai.”
- Wales , who wants to be a Sevens Olympian.

"It probably helped that England got knocked out and (their fans) jumped on our bandwagon but we'll take that. We are champions."
- Wales try scorer Aled Thomas on uncharacteristic support from the English.

“We’re made up of students, lawyers, doctors, amateurs who represent their clubs. It’s a good reflection on Argentinean rugby that a group like us can make it to the final of a World Cup. We’re proud to be the first Argentina team to make it to a World Cup final."
- Pablo Gomez Cora on the positives from Argentina appearance in the Melrose cup final.

"We just came down here full blooded, we just want to hurt people and then cool heads on the ball, so its just amazing."
- Welsh try scorer Aled Thomas on his team's aggressive approach to the tournament.

"It's back to normal."
- Samoa coach Rudi Moors on his heart rate after cart-wheeling with delight.

"All we can do now is make sure we hammer everyone in Hong Kong and go on and win the World Series, and get something out of this season."
- England Coach Ben Ryan on how England can bounce back from their shock RWC Sevens exit.

"We had no reactive players on the field, probably because we played 15-a-side during February and our legs are not in Sevens mode."
- Portugal coach Tomaz Morais on his team's below-par display.

“I think for us to have come this far is a really proud moment for everyone. I think everyone, from family to friends to the whole country, was behind us and that was great. The supporters have been great. They are an amazing bunch of people and they have paid to come out here and that is very great of them.”
- Bowl-winning Zimababwe Coach Liam Middleton on what the win means for everyone involved.

"Unbelievable. I couldn't believe what happened. We knew we had to keep our composure and try to regain the kick-off after we scored. The ball went to them but we defended well and fair play to the boys - we stuck at it for the 14 minutes."
- Wales’ winning try scorer Tom Isaacs on holding out against New Zealand at the end of their Melrose Cup quarter final

"It's certainly a lot warmer and there is a wee bit more of a carnival atmosphere. I've played in some good venues but this one has been fantastic."
- Kieron Campbell of Ireland on how playing in Dubai compares with Ravenhill (his home ground).

"I am quite small, you get beaten up a bit and it is hard to get up in the morning and come and play again. But in the World Cup, it gives you extra adrenaline that you have to have."
- Hong Kong's Keith Robertson on how size can matter.

"We might have lacked the talent and the speed of other international sides but we made up for it in the courage and the guts of the boys."
- Proud Arabian Gulf skipper Steve Cooper assesses his team.

"What I said two years back was being laughed at. The second tier nations are definitely coming up. We're in the semi finals now. It is really encouraging for us."
- Coach Benjamin Ayimba on his long-held belief that Kenya could win the World Cup.