atp Creative Commons License 2009.01.02 0 0 1005

Tehát mondjuk a azt mondja, ez a műhold a legjobb tőlünk:


Your Location

Satellite Data

Dish Setup Data

Latitude: XXXX°

Longitude: XXXX°

Name: 19.2E Astra 1F, 1G, 1H, 1KR, 1L

Distance: 38233km

Motor Latitude:  48.4°

Declination Angle:  7.1°

<SPAN onmouseover="'Set the dish elevation to this value according to the scale on the dish.Do not use an angle finder unless you know the offset angle of your dish and take that into account.');" onmouseout=tooltip.hide();>Dish Elevation:   °

<SPAN onmouseover="'This is the angle at which the signal arrives to your dish. You need to set it according to the scale on your dish.Note that most dishes are offset dishes, so they will appear to be pointing less upright than shown here (about 20 to 26 degrees less) and that is why you need to use the scale on the dish and not an angle finder.');" onmouseout=tooltip.hide();>Elevation:  34.4°

<SPAN onmouseover="'This is how much you need to rotate the dish around its vertical axis starting from true North.If you use a compass then you need to use the magnetic azimuth value.');" onmouseout=tooltip.hide();>Azimuth (true):  183.3°

Azimuth (magn.):  178.9°

LNB Skew [?]:  9.7° 

Dish Skew [?]:  90.0° 



 De honnan tudjam, hogy van-e egyáltalán rajta Magyar adás? Vagy egyáltalán milyen Magyar adásokat lehet egyáltalán műholdról fogni és melyikről? Valamint a fenti adatok mit jelentenek? Max egy iránytűm van...