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diagramma , atos, to,

A. figure marked out by lines, plan, Pl.R.529e: esp. geometrical figure, X.Mem.4.7.3, Pl.Phd.73b, Arist.Cael.280a1, etc.

b. geometrical proposition, Id.EN1112b21, APr.41b14, Ascl.in Metaph.174.9.

2. in Music, scale, Phan.Hist.17; but aph' henos d. hupokrekein on one note, Plu.2.55d, cf. Dem.13.

3. horoscope, nativity, Id.Mar.42.

4. map, Jul.Ep.10.

II. list, register, D. 14.21; inventory, skeuôn Id.47.36 ; register of taxable property, PRev.Laws39.17, al. (iii B. C.), Harp., Suid.

III. ordinance, regulation, GDI5040.64 (Cret.), PEleph.14.27 (iii B. C.), D.S.18.57; to d. tô Antigonô OGI7 (Cyme); = Lat. edictum, Plb.22.10.6, Plu.Marc.24.
