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REFERENCES ----------

Aristoxenus. c 330 BC. _Harmonika stoicheia_. Athens?

Cleonides. c 100 AD. _Eisagoge_. [English translation in Strunk 1950.]

Plutarch. _de Musica_. [English translation in Volume 1 of Barker 1989]

Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus. c 505 AD. [English translation in Bower 1989]

M - Codex Venetus. c 1150. Constantinople. (with corrections from many hands) Ma - the original script Mb - corrections before 1300 Mc - corrections 1300 or later Mx - unidentified corrections In Library of St Mark, Venice.

V - Codex Vaticanus. 1200-1400. Va - original script Vb - corrections by another hand

H - Codex from Protestant Seminary, Strassburg. 1400s? Destroyed in war 1870.

Valla, Georgius. 1497. Cleonides: _Eisagoge_. Latin translation of Cleonides. Venice.

S - Codex Seldenianus. c 1500. In Bodleian Library, Oxford.

R - Codex Riccardianus, 1500-1600. Florence.

B - Codex Berberinus. 1500-1550. Bibliotheca Berberina, Rome.

Meibom, Marcus. 1652. _Antiquae musicae auctores septem, Graece et Latine_. Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, Amsterdam. (Contents: Vol. 1: I. Aristoxeni Harmonicorum elementorum libri III. II. Euclidis Introductio harmonica. III. Nicomachi Geraseni, Pythagorici, Harmonices manuale. IV. Alypii Introductio musica. V. Gaudentii Philosophi, Introductio harmonica. VI. Bacchii senioris Introductio artis musicae Vol. 2: Aristidis Quintiliani De musica libri III & Martiani Capellae de musica liber IX.) [Contains Greek texts and Latin translations.]

Marquard, Paul. 1868. _Die Harmonischen Fragmente des Aristoxenus_ Greek text and German translation. With critical notes and explanatory commentary. Berlin.

Westphal, H. 1883 (volume 1), 1893 (volume 2). _Aristoxenos von Tarent: Melik und Rhythmik des Classischen Hellenentums_. Translated and explained. [Attempted reconstruction of Aristoxenus's alleged original work] Leipzig. Reprint: 1965, Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung Hildesheim.

Macran, Henry Stewart. 1902. _The Harmonics of Aristonexus_. Edited with translation, notes, introduction, and index of words. Clarendon Press, Oxford. Reprinted 1974, Hildesheim; New York: G. Olms Verlag. [Contains complete English translation.]

Laloy, L. 1904. _Aristoxène de Tarente et la musique de l'Antiquité_. (Includes _Lexique d'Aristoxène_.) Paris.

Strunk, Oliver. 1950. _Source Readings in Music History_. Selected and annotated [and translated]. W. W. Norton. New York. [English translation of Cleonides on p 34-46.]

da Rios, R. 1954. _Aristoxeni Elementa harmonica_, edited. Rome. [Includes Latin introduction and Italian translation.] [Text of Aristoxenus used by Barker 1989.]

Crocker, Richard L. 1966. 'Aristoxenus and Greek Mathematics'. In _Aspects of Medieval and Renaissance Music: A Birthday Offering to Gustave Reese_. Ed. Jan LaRue. W. W. Norton, New York. p 96-110.

Burkert, Walter. 1972. _Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism_. English translation by Edwin L. Minar, Jr. Cambridge, Harvard University Press. (original German edition 1962)

Mathiesen, Thomas J. 1976. 'Problems of Terminology in Ancient Greek Theory: `APMONIA', in _Festival Essays for Pauline Alderman: a musicological tribute_. Ed. Burton L. Karson. Brigham Young University Press; Provo, Utah. p 3-17.

Barker, Andrew. 1978. 'Music and Perception: A Study in Aristoxenus'. _Journal of Hellenistic Studies_, v 98, p 9-16.

Litchfield, Malcolm. 1988. 'Aristoxenus and Empiricism: A Reevalutation Based on his Theories'. _Journal of Music Theory_, v 32 # 1, p 51-73.

Barker, Andrew. 1989. _Greek Musical Writings_, volume 1: volume 2: 'Harmonic and Acoustic Theory'. Translated and edited. Cambridge University Press, New York. [Contains complete English translation of Aristoxenus _Elementa harmonica_ in vol 2, p 126-184.]

Bower, Calvin M. 1989. Boethius: _Fundamentals of Music_. English translation of Boethius. Yale University Press, New Haven.

Landels, John G. 1999. _Music in ancient Greece and Rome_. Routledge, London and New York.

concerning observations on the change of preference from the enharmonic genus to the chromatic, see: yahoo tuning group, message 6947 [Wed Dec 15, 1999 6:46 pm].
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