spiroslyra Creative Commons License 2006.12.02 0 0 372



^The  question then connot be dediced by Aristoxenus grammar, 3, but from the general sense of what he is trying to tell us: Could he really mean to say that tis  remarkable erisode happened not only once but over and over again, succesive  audiences turing up in all  innocence to Plato^s lecture to get the same  surprise each time they came? This would make so much more of a good story that were it in Aristoxenus^ mind he would surely have said so more  explicitly and  amhatically. As the text now reads, I submit that in all  probability  what Aristoxenus means  to say is that  what was often  repeated was the tale (Aristotelis aei  diigeito) not what happened acording to the tale.  From this I do not  conclude that there were no  Gesprachsreihen on the Good in the Academy. There may have been.  Who knows?~

Előzmény: spiroslyra (371)