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Vlastos Gonomon 1963. 650.old.

" The Story in Aristoxenus (Harm. Elem., 30, 16-31, 14 Meibom.) As K. observers (408), there is nothing to show this happened very late in Plato's life, or that it happened only once. But neither, conversely, is there anything to show that it happened often and as the first of a "Gesprachsreihe".

Nothing can be infered from the article in logoi peri mathimaton etc.: whwn K. Gets "Die bekannten Lehren" (407) out of oi logoi he pulls a rabbit from a hat. The only argument he gives us that deserves serius consideration is the one that refers us to the tense in which much of the action is describen: efaineto, upokatefronoun, katememfonto, etc. These he takes to be imperfects of repetition (402) But clearly thisis not conclusive, for the imperfectes can be read quite differently. 2

2) In the primary use of the tense, to denote continued action in the past, since the continued action need not be long (as in euthis ameibeto, tahu apepidon: cf. B. S. Gildersleeve, Syntax to Classical Greek, 1900, 88-89) and has in any case, so little to do "with the absolute duration of the action" (Gildersleeve, 1.c) that in many contexts the same action may be denotetd indiferently by the aorist or the imperfect: se how Thucydides mixes aorists and imperfects in introducing speeches: elegon toiade, elexen ode, epeipon toiade, parinei toiade (all from Book 1)."
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