V-Man Creative Commons License 2006.07.05 0 0 12

Hungary – Serbia and Montenegro 28:24 (14:11)
Opposite to previous match, favorite absolutely won. Serbia and Montenegro lost third time in the tournament. Because of that they are on the last place in a table. Relaxed and smiling Hungarians didn’t give their opponents any chances. Serbians made a mistake from the last game. Too many shoots from far afield gave Hungarian an opportunity for easy fastbacks.

Sopronyi 7, Kamper 6, Vincze 5, Soós 4, Balogh B. 3, Sütő E. 1, Szabó V. 1, Valovics 1/1

ma a csehek ellen játszanak a lányok, 10-9 az állás perpill a javunkra.