spiroslyra Creative Commons License 2004.11.03 0 0 333
> [2.51.11 ...] Mechri men oun tautes tes di-[12]aipeseos > amphoteroi kinountai hoi phthon-[13]goi. > meta tauta d' he men parypate me-[14]nei; > dieleluthe gar ton hautes topon; > he de [15] lichanos kineitai diesin enarmonion. > kai [16] gignetai to lichanou kai hypates > diaste-[17]ma ison toi lichanou kai meses. > hoste me-[18]keti gignesthai pyknon en tautei tei diai-[19]pesei. > symbainei d' hama payesthai to py-[20]knon, > synistamenon en tei ton tetrachor-[21]don diairesei > kai archesthai gignomenon to [22] diatonon genos. > >> [2.51.11 ...] Up to [the tonic chromatic] division, >> [12] both the notes [_lichanos_ and _parhypate_] move, >> [13] but after this _parhypate_ stays still, >> [14] since it has travelled through its whole range, >> while [15] _lichanos_ moves through an enharmonic diesis, >> and [16] the interval between _lichanos_ and _hypate_ >> [17] becomes equal to that between _lichanos_ and _mese_, >> so that [18] in this division the _pyknon_ no longer occurs. >> [19] The _pyknon_ disappears [20] in the division of the tetrachord [21] simultaneously >> with the first occurrence of the [22] diatonic genus.

> [2.51.24 ...] malakou men oun esti diatonou diai-[25]pesis, > en he to men hypates kai parypa-[26]tes hemitoniaion esti; > to de parypates kai [27] lichanou trion dieseon enarmonion; > [28] to de lichanou kai meses, pente dieseon. > >> [2.51.24 ...] The division of the soft diatonic is that >> [25] in which the interval between _hypate_ and _parhypate_ [26] is a semitone, >> that between _parhypate_ and [27] _lichanos_ is three enharmonic dieses, >> and [28] that between _lichanos_ and _mese_ is five dieses.