spiroslyra Creative Commons License 2004.11.03 0 0 319
[2.46.34-47.8] to de parypates diastema elatton men hoti ouk an genoito dieseos || enarmoniou phaneron, epeide panton ton melodoumenon elachiston esti diesis enarmonios; hoti de kai touto eis to diplasion auxetai, katanoeteon. hotan | gar epi ten auten tasin aphikontai he te lichnos aniemene kai he parypate epiteinomene, horizesthai dokei ekateras ho topos. host' einai phaneron,

the ranges do not overlap, but their point of conjunction is their limit, since when _parhypate_ and _lichanos_ reach the same pitch, as the one is tensed and the other relaxed, their ranges have their limit, the range below it being that of _parhypate_, the range above it that of _lichanos_.
That the interval between _parhypate_ and _hypate_ cannot be less than an enharmonic diesis is obvious, since the enharmonic diesis is the smallest of all melodic intervals: that it too will increase to double the size remains to be shown. When _lichanos_ in its descent and _parhypate_ in its ascent reach the same pitch, the range of each evidently arrives at its limit, so that it is plain that the range of _parhypate_ is not greater than the smallest diesis.