Applebaum Creative Commons License 2004.07.31 0 0 559

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PGW es a francia nyelv, a French Leave eloszavabol:


I never succeeded in speaking French, but I learned to read it all right, which is all I need, for now that I am 92 and never leave my Long Island home it is improbable that I shall have the opportunity of kidding back and forth with a Frenchman, and my views on pencils will remain unspoken.

Pencils, owing to my instructress at Berlitz, were the only subject on which I was able to speak with authority. She taught me all I know today about pencils (or crayons as we call them in France). 'Le crayon est jaune', I learned to say. 'Le crayon est bleu'. 'Donnez-moi le crayon de ma tante', and lots more on this fascinating topic. If some French manufacturer of pencils had happened along, I would have held him spellbound with my knowledge of his business, but in general society the difficulty of working pencils into the conversation was too much for me and after a while I gave it up and stuck to the normal grunts and gurgles of the foreigner who finds himself cornered by anything Gallic.



Előzmény: emsworth (557)