Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.04.30 0 0 240

The enormous explosive force of the nuclear bomb attracted the interest of the planners of Soviet society at an early stage. From the 1960’s and up to 1988, so-called "peaceful" nuclear bombs were actively used in the Soviet Union. Up until 1988, 115 civil nuclear detonations were performed in what was once the Soviet Union. Nuclear bombs were used for the creation of water reservoirs, canals, mines and gas reservoirs, among other things. Nuclear bombs were also employed for extinguishing gas fires and for seismical research. 41 civil nuclear bombs have been detonated in the northern parts of Russia, most of them in Siberia

Tehát a ruszkik 115 civil nukleáris robbantást hajtottak végre,csatronakialakítástol kezdve a bányászaton keresztül gáztározók kialakításáig mindent .(még szeizmikus vizsgálatokhoz is használtak atomot...:-))

Előzmény: Törölt nick (239)