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Russian decision to accept Japanese pipeline plan stuns China
25-02-04 Chinese oil industry officials are refusing to believe that Russia has rejected their plan to pipe massive amounts of oil from Siberia into their booming economy, opting instead on a Japanese plan for a pipeline to the Pacific coast.
A decision announced by Russian energy minister Igor Yusufov is reverberating around east Asia as the rival bids for Siberian oil in the huge Angarsk field appear to have been resolved in Japan's favour.

Mr Yusufov said Moscow wanted the state-run Transneft to build a 3900 km crude oil pipeline to the Pacific coast near the port of Nakhodka for export to Japan, the US and other customers in the Pacific. Japan has offered $ 7 bn ($ 9 bn) in finance.
A rival proposal backed by Russia's biggest oil company, Yukos Oil, to build a shorter $ 2.8 bn pipeline to China's north-east oil centre of Daqing and give China exclusive access to the oil may be abandoned, he said, adding: "China will have equal access to buy oil in the area close to Nakhodka."


Turkey - regional node
At the end of March, Greece and Turkey agreed to build the first joint gas pipeline to transport gas from the Caspian Sea as of 2005. The 285km gas pipeline would travel from the Dardanelles Straits to the Greek border city of Komotini, and further to the east, to the coastal Greek town of Alexandropolis. The pipeline will travel 200 kilometers inside Turkey and 85 kilometers in Greece, and will be linked with the existing and planned networks taking Caspian gas to southern Europe.
The pipeline is the result of a three-year financial and technological study earning the Greek Depa company and its Turkish counterpart, Botas, enough credibility for resuming the works. The $300m deal will bring 500,000 cubic meters of Azerbaijani, Russian and Iranian gas to Greece on a daily basis. The well-versed say, however, that cooperation in the field of energy will also improve political and economic relations between the two countries.

Úgy néz ki,hogy japán 7 milliárd $-ért építet egy csővezetéket , míg kína ajánlatát viszaútasították,amit kína nagyon rosz néven vesz(br valsz épíenek késöbb egy leágazást...)

Továbbá,törökó csővezetékcsomóponként fog müködni,mertugye a FSU (réi szu) és az iráni gáz rajta keresztül juthat európába...Mertugye az északi ternegi gázlelőhelyek merülnek ki,így iránbol fog az eu földgázt imoprátlni(ezaz amit az usa nem tud nagy bánatára megcsinálni,és ezért van stratégiai előnyben európa.szárazföldröl elérhető az ismert földgázkészletek 80%-a)