merigazoi Creative Commons License 2024.05.17 0 0 94499

az eredetit láttad, az LA Takedown-t? érdekes élmény. (amúgy az is jó film, persze a Heat mellett...)


kiszivárgott valahol a Heat 2?


árilis elején még azt mondta Mann, h még dolgozik rajta. a sztori jól hangzik.


 it is a prequel and a sequel. Starts in ’88, it actually starts on the first day after the end of the movie with val Kilmer trying to get out of L.A.

“He’s wounded and half delirious. And then it goes back to 1988 and they’re very different people. They’re not the people they are in the movie. It’s the events of ’88 that made them into the people they are in the movie. So the De Niro character, Neil McCauley, is deep into a relationship with a woman, he has a step daughter. He has all these attachments. And then what happens in 2000 takes us into a whole different world, trans-national organized crime and Ciudad del Este, which is a free trade zone in South American and Southeast Asia.


Előzmény: hellomacs (94493)