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Formai kritika helyett tartalmival kellene foglalkoznod.

Inkább ezzel a ténnyel küzdj meg: .... A falu egy magaslaton van, ahonnan a tel aviv-jeruzsálemi utat ellenőrizni lehet - ezért volt lényeges birtokolni. Ezt az arabok is nagyon jól tudták és helyőrséget küldtek a faluba - csak nem elég erőset.


On January 20, 1948, the villagers met leaders of the Givat Shaul community to form a peace pact. The Deir Yassin villagers agreed to inform Givat Shaul should Palestinian militiamen appear in the village, by hanging out certain types of laundry during the day—two white pieces with a black piece in the middle—and at night signaling three dots with a flashlight and placing three lanterns in a certain place. In return, patrols from Givat Shaul guaranteed safe passage to Deir Yassin residents, in vehicles or on foot, passing through their neighborhood on the way to Jerusalem.[12] Yoma Ben-Sasson, Haganah commander in Givat Shaul, said after the village had been captured that, "there was not even one incident between Deir Yassin and the Jews."[13]
Arab militia

Arab militiamen had tried to set up camp in the village, leading to a firefight that saw one villager killed. Just before January 28, Abd al Qadir had arrived with 400 men and tried to recruit some villagers, but the elders voiced their opposition and the men moved on. The leader of the village, the mukhtar, was summoned to Jerusalem to explain to the Arab Higher Committee (AHC), the Palestinian-Arab leadership, what the village's relationship was with the Jews: he told them the villagers and the Jews lived in peace. No steps were taken against him, and he was not asked to cancel the peace pact.[14] On February 13, an armed gang of Arabs arrived to attack Givat Shaul, but the Deir Yassin villagers saw them off, the result of which was that the gang killed all the village's sheep. On March 16, the AHC sent a delegation to the village to request that it host a group of Iraqi and Syrian irregulars to guard it. The villagers said no then, and again on April 4,[15] though Irgun fighters said they did encounter at least two foreign militiamen during the April 9 invasion.[16]


Rajtad kívül már mindenki tudja,hogy az összecsapások jóval az ország függetlenségének kikiáltása előtt elkezdődtek. 3 hónap alatt kb. 10-szer annyi zsidó halt meg mint arab.


Összefoglalóan: Szokásod szerint megint melléfogtál mert nem a tényekkel foglalkozol. Ezért nem kellene faji előítéletek szerint nézni a világot hanem kizárólag a tények alapján.


Előzmény: Törölt nick (21624)