antrapo Creative Commons License 2011.03.21 0 0 1629

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"Dear friends, This morning I suddenly had the following thought: Only with the meditation of the Foundation Stone as the Stone of Love could we overcome the series of catastrophes that the Japanese nation is experiencing. The earthquakes that are shaking us both physically and mentally seem to show that we no longer have a physically stable ground. Tsunami is nothing but a real "trial of water" (Wasserprobe), through which the whole social infrastructure including nuclear power plants has been undermined and put in question. Needles to say, concrete measures must be taken in the first place to relieve the pains and sufferings of the victims throughout the affected regions.However, I feel that it would have quite a meaning if the Japanese anthroposophists try in their hearts to strengthen the foundation stone which they have accepted at certain points in their lives, now with the clear consciousness of being in contact with all the living and deceased souls in the Anthroposophical Society. Tomorrow evening, on March 21, Eugen Kolisko's birthday, we have a small meeting of the Japanese Association for Steiener/Waldorf Early Childhood Education in Tokyo. This originally was designed to be a platform for teachers, medical doctors and co-medicals to exchange ideas over our present situation (mostly concerning the question of vaccinations). We had asked Dr. Madeleen Winkler from Holland and Franziska Spalinger fromSwitzerland to be with us in this discussion.As we had to cancel this meeting, however, we decided to use the the hall for a gathering, to which not only kindergarten teachers but all those who feel connected withAnthroposophy, and who live in the vicinity of Tokyo, could simply come by and share some time to reflect over our destiny as a nation. Now, I am thinking that I will suggest at this meeting that we try to let live in us the foundation stone meditation with the clear consciousness that we would really like to create a common spiritual basis for the future anthroposophical activities in Japan.I hope that you will understand me correctly. My intention is quite serious. I would like, as it were, make a promise vis a vis the spiritual worlds that I / we will really work in the spirit of Anthroposophy in this land into the future, and for this purpose it is our real sincere hope that the worst will be avoided. On the other hand, naturally, I am fully aware that the worst could still easily happen at any minute. And even if such things should happen, I would not cease to work here in the spirit of Anthroposophy. But I would so much like to see how this intention of ours will be accepted by the spiritual worlds. I would be very grateful to you, if you would innerly support this intention and think about us together. I do not want to politically act and cause you unnecessary troubles. You do not necessarily have to officially "recognize" my intention, but if you could just personally and inwardly think of us, that alone would make a big difference.Tomorrow (March 21), from 18:30 to about 20:30 (in Germany and Switzerland 10:30 - 12:30, I don't know what time that would be elsewhere), we will be having this meeting and sharing the foundation stone meditation. I'm sorry that this comes to you as such a short notice, and we do not know who will be able to come. The whole situation is still so unstable that it is only understandable, if someone would rather want to stay at home. That is  also why we wanted to make use of this opportunity to come together. It would be very nice and encourage us greatly, if you would send us some message for this meeting. However, as I would like to post such messages in the new internet forum we have just organized (, please take into consideration that your messages might be made public, if you kindly write something for this meeting (of course, however, I would not make your message public, if you make clear that you address yourself only to me or to a certain group). And even if you have missed this notice and could not think of us at the above time of the day, I / we will continue to work on the foundation stone meditation with the same intention until I / we receive a certain sense that the Japanese have come out of this crisis. So, it would be nice, if you could think of us in terms of this foundation stone, whenever you feel connected to us in this sense. With many thanks and greetings 


Kai Iruma