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Hi vlmr,


I have found this Scháb Mátyás in Palatinus' book:


Scháb Mátyás dr. ügyvéd Fehértemplom, szül. 1877. Fv. 1909. Auróra p. III.


So he was a member of Auróra páholy before the Élet kör.


About the lodge Auróra:


Versec: Aurora. Alakult: 1905. jún. 8.


From an other source:


The foundation of Egalitas in Versecz was in 1870. III. 3. and closed down officially in 1879. Maybe the last three years passed without work.



Thanks for the Neuschloss book and the others; return your kindness here is my pdf collection, mostly Hungarian


And there is an English collection:


Előzmény: vlmr (5775)