
Részletes keresés

Henin Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14882

Sejtettem, hogy ki fog kapni, csak én arra tippeltem, hogy a második szettet fogja megnyerni.

Hát idén se lesz meg a hiányzó salátástál. Talán jövőre.

De ideje volna már elkapni Clijsters grabancát vagy valamelyik Williams-ét.

Legközelebb a Best of Belgium nevű gálán láthatjuk Justine-t épp Clijsters ellen.

Wta tornán szerintem valamikor július végén láthatjuk legközelebb Stanfordban, San Diegoban, Cincinattiben esetleg Montrealban.

Digi7 Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14881

J Henin - 28 June 2010

Monday, 28 June 2010

Q. What was the injury?

JUSTINE HENIN: Still very early just to say what happened. I mean, of course, it's a little worse now after the match than during the match. I thought it was really the tendon. We're not quite sure, so I'll have to wait probably a day or two before checking what's happening there. I hope nothing serious.

But it's quite painful now.

Q. In the elbow?

JUSTINE HENIN: In the elbow.

Q. How much did it bother you after it happened?

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's very hard to say. I mean, of course, it's been mentally not easy to deal when I fall down on the court and the few games after. It was mentally not easy.

But after that, I mean, it was warm, and I could play. I don't really now how it affected it. So we'll see in the next few days.

Q. Was there a particular shot that it bothered you on the most?

JUSTINE HENIN: On serve and backhand a little bit. But we'll see.

Q. Did you hurt it jamming it into the ground or...

JUSTINE HENIN: No, no, it's not like I got shot on the ball.

Q. Overextended?

JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, probably.

Q. You seemed to be so much in control until early in the second set. How do you think the match changed?

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's still very warm. Kim did a lot of mistakes, that's for sure, in the first set, and I was really into it. Slowly but surely, she started to be more intense in the second, putting me under more pressure.

I've never been after that really able to come more into the court, you know, and just be in the control of the release. I was running after the ball. That wasn't that easy.

You know, a break on grass, things can go pretty fast. So, uhm, in the second and the third, she took all the opportunities and played pretty consistent at that time.

So haven't been aggressive enough on the return of the second serve, especially, and generally not enough ‑‑ I wasn't enough moving forward, that's for sure.

Q. Wimbledon has the right to change seedings as opposed to rankings. Don't you think they should have had you and Kim on the opposite sides of the draw?

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, no, I don't think so. I think these kind of things can happen. It was very early to play each other. But it's the rule of the draw. There is no complaint about that.

Q. I know you said last week you didn't feel that you were a contender to win Wimbledon this year. Do you feel if you come back next year that you hope to be in a position where you can?

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, next year is far away from now. I mean, there have been some positive things in this tournament. I've been very happy to be back and to play here again. Of course, it's disappointing to leave this way. I wanted to do better.

But doesn't change anything to the fact that I said before coming here was still a year with a lot of things to improve and a year of transition. So 2011 will be, you know, probably more important for myself.

Q. For most all your career, you've had to go up against players who are bigger. Is there something in that challenge for you that is appealing, but on the other hand is there a part of you that wishes you might be a little bit bigger?

JUSTINE HENIN: No, not really. It means that physically I have to be at my best all the time. There is still some work on that part also of my game, to be probably a little stronger.

But, uhm, no. I think, I mean, I've won many Grand Slams not being so tall, not so strong. But, of course, coming back it's probably harder for me than for anyone else because I have to be at my top in terms of, yeah, physically.

So I know I'll have to work in the next few months. But we have to go step by step and really get ready for next season.

Q. There was one phase of your career when you really focused on your conditioning. Is that something you might consider now, just really focusing on that aspect?

JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, but we have to deal also, I mean, with the fact that getting older, you know, and the body has to recover. That takes some time.

So, of course, we want to always go to the next level, next step, but we have to deal also with the body and the injuries and everything. So it's important to find a good balance.

Q. Like everyone else, you're dealing with a limited number of chances to win this tournament. Do you think it will get more difficult or not necessarily?

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, of course. I mean, of course. But it's one of the reasons why I came back, is, I mean, to go after challenges. Wimbledon remains a challenge.

But it's not the end, of course. It's not the end. I'll have to get better and better. Like I said, this year I just try to find my place, feel comfortable again. I'm not yet at my top, that is for sure, but it will take probably a little bit more time.

Q. Do you remember the very first time you played her? She couldn't remember it. She said you were little girls.

JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, we were quite young probably. It was in Belgium in Oostende, I think, and we were eight or nine, so a long time ago.

Q. National championship? Under eights or under nines?

JUSTINE HENIN: I don't remember. It was a tournament that was for, yeah, Belgian players. I don't remember exactly. But it was long ago, yeah.

Digi7 Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14880

Azért összességében jó kis füves szezont produkált, 1 tornagyőzelem és ami talán kicsi vígasz lehet, hogy még a második héten is játszhatott Wimbledonban. Tudom, tudom, sovány vígasz, de akkor is.


Ha már kiesett a nőknél a kedvencem, akkor legalább a férfiaknál legyen címvédés.


Nah, megyek, keresek interjút.

Digi7 Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14879

Köszi, hogy közvetítettétek a meccset.

Lehet, jobb is, hogy nem láttam..

Remélem nem komoly a sérülése.

Ahogy olvastam, az ápolási szünet után visszaesett Justine játékának színvonala rendesen..

De bosszantó ez a vereség!

Kíváncsi vagyok mit nyilatkozott a mérkőzésről.

Steffi21 Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14878
Sajnos 3 szettben kikapott. Az a szomorú az egészben, hogy Clijsters semmivel sem volt jobb nála. Mindketten rosszul játszottak a 3. szettben. Ez van. .-(

Williams döntő borítékolható.
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14877
Ennyi volt, hiba, természetesen.
Clijsters adogat a meccsért.
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14876)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14876
Egy hárítva.
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14875)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14875
Két bp, ami meccsp.
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14874)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14874
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14873)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14873
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14872
A lecsapással megint gond van. Üres pálya, erre mellé üti. :-(

Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14871)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14871

Szoros game volt, kár, hogy nem lett break.
Így mindig Justine-nek kell futni az eredmény után. :-(
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14870)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14870
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14869)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14869

Justine igen rosszul játszik most. Az üres pályát nem találja el. Rengeteg a hiba, alig van labdamenet.
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14868)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14868


Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14867)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14867
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14865)
Henin Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14866
Remélem a döntő szett jobban alakul.
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14865
Clijsters most igen jó, sajnos. :-(
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14864

Hát ez nagyon nem kellett. :-(

Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14863)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14863
0-30 :-(
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14862)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14862

Készülhetünk a 3. szettre. :-(
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14861)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14861
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14860)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14860

Szokásos hullámvölgy, az első megnyert szett után. Clijsters kezd egyre jobb lenni.

Most ezt a game-et hozni kéne!

Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14859)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14859
1-3 :-(
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14858)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14858

Most vagyunk bajban.
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14857
1-2 erről gameről lemaradtam. Elment a net..
Előzmény: Agassi Fan (14856)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14856
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14855
Mind szervából. :-)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14854
Elesett a hálónál, és akkor beverte. :-(
Előzmény: Henin Fan (14852)
Agassi Fan Creative Commons License 2010.06.28 0 0 14853

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!