
Részletes keresés

identicalmcqc Creative Commons License 2006.10.19 0 0 6234

I did not mean you to fix it. This is why I used the other grammatical structure... ;o)

Anyway, you are right in saying that writing a mail is much nicer than typing it - in both senses..

Előzmény: HumanInnovator_JóniFun (6233)
HumanInnovator_JóniFun Creative Commons License 2006.10.19 0 0 6233
I don't think that I should repair, I write  a new mail as soon as posible. :)
Előzmény: identicalmcqc (6232)
identicalmcqc Creative Commons License 2006.10.18 0 0 6232
It definately should be. Have it repaired asap.
Előzmény: HumanInnovator_JóniFun (6231)
HumanInnovator_JóniFun Creative Commons License 2006.10.18 0 0 6231
Yesterday I managed to write a mail, so my keyboard is out of order. ;)
Előzmény: identicalmcqc (6230)
identicalmcqc Creative Commons License 2006.10.18 0 0 6230
Sorry, no matter how hard I try, I can only type but not write. This is a stupid PC, I know... ;o)
Előzmény: HumanInnovator_JóniFun (6229)
HumanInnovator_JóniFun Creative Commons License 2006.10.18 0 0 6229


Let us resurrect this TOPIC ! Write something !
visab1b2 Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6228
Do not even care with gyönygös. He thinks he is better than anyone else, but he is absolutely wrong. He is not better than anyone else. He is a hotshot. Something is wrong with him. You should think before you say something gyönygyös. You have already showed lots of time, you are a big mistake on lots of issues such as visa .
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6227

" It was a pleasure to meet you."


It was for me too until your facemask came off.


Előzmény: almaborvirag (6225)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6226

It is interesting how you view this crisis. I bet you have not heard the last of the story yet, many people do expect to see a class action lawsuit brought on by the ACLU (as they normally do)  to challenge the ordinance as unconstitutional. This case may go all the way to the Supreme Court. What is interesting here is that the ship is sinking and the Anglo-Saxons, Caucasians realize that the time has come for action.

It's now or never. They feel that their very existence is being challenged by illegal immigrants. They know that the outcome of all this, meaning the final ruling by the Supreme Court, may not be in their favor. But if they have to go down, they will not go down without a fight. They will put up fierce resistance no matter what, for what they believe in.  That's why this emotionally charged issue has given a boost for organizations like the Minutemen and many others.


Előzmény: Titanilla_ (6212)
almaborvirag Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6225
(Ok, I'll refrain from making jokes about how long it took you to respond and you've managed to post both versions...)

"Now that you came out, all I can say is that it breaks my heart to hear how bored you are. Maybe you could start working on your dissertation instead of getting bored to death."

I couldn't agree with you on that. In the last two and half hours I was working on my diss and it's coming along nicely. Don't worry.

"Yes, life can be tough and just a pure boredom when you are exempt from attending classes because you are a genius and your attendance is not required."

That's flattering. ;) No, it's a research-based PhD. Never had to attend classes.

"Our troubled, clueless world cringes at the mere thought of not having another fledgling scientist with a PhD in Liberal Arts like you. What can we say…the invaluable contributions you have already made to this topic in such a short time are of paramount importance. You’ve made a profound and lasting impact on many of us."

You sent me a patronising message. That's all. And picked on the wrong person. You seem to believe that you are the only one who can speak English and who follows the news. You were wrong. And you were surprisingly easy to make a fool of. So if I were you, I would opt for a reality check on both accounts as soon as possible.

"Since you’ve brought up movies, punches and counter-punches, I must say that you remind me of the Three Stooges where you play all the leading roles as Larry, Curly and Moe combined. You certainly fit the part and got the talent (thanks to your abrasiveness, ego, testing and poking fun at people) where the most laughable part of the episode is when you end up being a sore loser in the bitter end. So, with all these said... just forget it…there’s no need for your saber-rattling. Get off your high chair, calm down, shape up or ship out. Best regards."

I don't know what to do with this para but maybe you got the message already. It was a pleasure to meet you.
Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6224)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6224
(recall the previous posting)


Now that you came out, all I can say is that it breaks my heart to hear how bored you are. Maybe you could start working on your dissertation instead of getting bored to death.

Yes, life can be tough and just a pure boredom when you are exempt from attending classes because you are a genius and your attendance is not required.

Our troubled, clueless world cringes at the mere thought of not having another fledgling scientist with a PhD in Liberal Arts like you. What can we say…the invaluable contributions you have already made to this topic in such a short time are of paramount importance. You’ve made a profound and lasting impact on many of us.


Since you’ve brought up movies, punches and counter-punches, I must say that you remind me of the Three Stooges where you play all the leading roles as Larry, Curly and Moe combined. You certainly fit the part and got the talent (thanks to your abrasiveness, ego, testing and poking fun at people) where the most laughable part of the episode is when you end up being a sore loser in the bitter end. So, with all these said... just forget it…there’s no need for your saber-rattling. Get off your high chair, calm down, shape up or ship out. Best regards.

Előzmény: almaborvirag (6222)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6223
Now that came out, all I can say it that it breaks my heart to hear how bored you are. Maybe you could start working on your dissertation instead of getting bored to death.

Yes, life can be tough and just a pure boredom when you are exempt from attending classes because you are a genius and your attendance is not required.

Our troubled, clueless world cringes at the mere thought of not having another fledgling scientist with a PhD in Liberal Arts like you. What can we say…the invaluable contributions you have already made to this topic in such a short time are of paramount importance. You’ve made a profound and lasting impact on many of us.


Since you’ve brought up movies, punches and counter-punches, I must say that you remind me of the Three Stooges where you play the leading roles as Larry, Curly and Moe combined. You certainly fit the part and got the talent (thanks to your abrasiveness, ego, testing and poking fun at people) where the most laughable part is when you end up being a sore loser in the bitter end. So, with all these said... just forget it…there’s no need for your saber-rattling. Get off your high chair, calm down, shape up or ship out. Best regards.

Előzmény: almaborvirag (6222)
almaborvirag Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6222
Yeah, whatever.
Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6221)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6221
Arrogance –based on your last reply- is your most obvious virtue.

Needless to say that I did not mean education the way you’ve taken it.

Hypocrisy is another. I couldn’t care less what you work on even if you’ve been awarded the plaque of “Whiz kid of the year”.

Előzmény: almaborvirag (6214)
HP13 Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6220

That's ok. :)

Előzmény: almaborvirag (6219)
almaborvirag Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6219
Ok! Sorry. I was a bit surprised at your comment. You're right though - shouldn't have mentioned the PhD. (Too hot here and am bored at my computer.)
Előzmény: HP13 (6218)
HP13 Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6218

It wasn't aimed at you!!!!! :)

Are we all jumpy here.

Előzmény: almaborvirag (6216)
almaborvirag Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6217
Oh sorry! Was this a quick enough reply?
Előzmény: almaborvirag (6216)
almaborvirag Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6216
Best regards from HP13 who didn't need to spend half an hour writing a post to (try and) make her point.

That's very kind... how do you know how much time I spent on writing something? Not that it matters. I'm just curious how you know that.

It's nice to see that there are such wise people out there. What would we do without people like you?!
Előzmény: HP13 (6215)
HP13 Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6215

What's a PhD got to do with all this?


>>Even if you do (I happen to be working on one), you should first think about how you respond to people on these boards.


Do you need a PhD for this? :)


Well said though. I love this message board to be honest. So amusing.


Best regards from HP13 who didn't need to spend half an hour writing a post to (try and) make her point.

Előzmény: almaborvirag (6214)
almaborvirag Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6214
Yes, I was testing you. How could these be real questions? It's just that your arrogance makes you blind to the obvious. In my first message I dared to point out a logical inconsistency in your previous message. To which you responded with a rant and a quite patronizing statement about my education. Do you have a PhD?! Even if you do (I happen to be working on one), you should first think about how you respond to people on these boards.

Anyway, the Punch and Judy show between you and the other guy who claims to be American is hillarious. It definitely made my day when I first read those messages.

And now peace...
Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6209)
almaborvirag Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6213
Very well said. Migration is a natural part of human civilization like it or not. We have been doing that since the dawn of time and no man-made border will stop people if they think they can have a better life on the other side. It has to be controlled, of course, nobody denies that. But what's going on in PA is a shame to the whole of the country and people are more or less aware of that. This is demagoguery, nothing else. And it is greed that motivates the demagoges and the fear of the percieved threat to white Anglo-European English-speaking domination in some areas of the States. The fact that those parts, California especially, has a booming economy based partly on illegal labour.
Előzmény: Titanilla_ (6212)
Titanilla_ Creative Commons License 2006.07.28 0 0 6212
This whole matter comes down to the question whether people have the right to claim a land as their property on the basis that they were there first.
America is hostile to immigrants and I do understand their point - but if you look at the origin of these people, they got there exactly the same way which now they want to shut down for others. Everyone was once an illegal immigrant, if not them, then their fathers, or their fathers' fathers.
Had the native Indians had the power and the will to protect their land, these people who are now so loudly shouting slogans about America would be back in Spain or Ireland or wherever.
The great Irish famine sent 3 million immigrants to the US, and now the descendants of these immigrants are ranting against further immigrants - crazy situation.
Greed is the main motive here in my understanding. These guys got their hands put on something and they hate to share.
Of course, if you share everything, you end up with having nothing to your own. Now is that a problem? To some people yes, to others no.

Closing down the borders will solve the case momentarily, but it's not the answer to the world's problems. And the world is bigger than America, and her problems are going to bear upon every country sooner or later.
Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6211)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2006.07.27 0 0 6211
Pennsylvania Town Enacts Strict Illegal Immigration Ordinance

Friday , July 14, 2006


HAZLETON, Pa. — Illegal immigrants seeking to make a home in this northeastern Pennsylvania city could face barriers to finding a home and job after the city council passed one of the nation's strictest ordinances to fight illegal immigration.

City documents would be printed in English, landlords would face $1,000 fines for each illegal immigrant found renting their properties and business who employ illegal immigrants wouldn't be granted licenses.

The ordinance, designed to make the city one of the most hostile in the country for illegal immigrants, passed on a 4-to-1 vote after two hours of passionate debate.

"The illegal citizens, I would recommend they leave," said Mayor Lou Barletta, who said he wore a bulletproof vest to the vote as a precaution because the issue was emotionally charged.

The measure has divided the former coal town about 80 miles northwest of Philadelphia and thrust the 31,000-population city to the fore of the national debate on illegal immigration. After the vote, hundreds of people on both sides of the issue congregated outside City Hall, separated by a line of police officers brought in anticipation of any trouble.

Barletta proposed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act last month as a response to what he said were Hazleton's problems with violent crime, crowded schools, hospital costs and the demand for services. Opponents argued it was divisive and possibly illegal, but supporters argued illegal immigrants' growing numbers have damaged the quality of life in this northeastern Pennsylvania city.

"What you see here tonight, really, is a city that wants to take back what America has given it," Barletta said.

Outside City Hall, about people gathered with opponents of the measure, some with signs that read "Bias," separated by a line of police from supporters, some waving American flags.

Anna Arias asked the council, "Are any of us ready to support U.S. citizens born of someone who is undocumented?" Several people in the audience responded, "Yes!"

She warned the council that approving the ordinance would make Hazleton "the first Nazi city in the country."

The ordinance adopted at the meeting had been extensively amended from an earlier draft; one change would deny a license to any business that provides goods or services to an illegal immigrant. City solicitor Christopher B. Slusser said the provision would likely be invoked only against business people who knowingly violated it, and the city would deal with violators "on a case-by-case basis."

The number of Hispanic residents in Hazleton has increased dramatically in the past six years. City officials acknowledge they do not know how many are illegal immigrants, whom Barletta has blamed for higher crime rates, failing schools and a diminished quality of life.

In a letter sent to Barletta earlier this week, attorneys with the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund threatened to sue on the grounds that the ordinance infringes upon the federal government's power to regulate immigration.

Other municipalities across the country also have considered acting to address illegal immigration. Ordinances similar to the Hazleton measure have been proposed in the Florida communities of Palm Bay and Avon Park and the California towns of Escondido and San Bernardino.

Carolina Taveras, a 30-year-old naturalized citizen from the Dominican Republic who moved to Hazleton from New York City a year ago, said the mayor's proposal has made her feel unwelcome.

A few doors down from where Taveras was getting her hair done at a downtown beauty salon that caters to Hispanic women, restaurant owner George Giannakouros said he is sympathetic to Barletta's approach.

"I agree with the mayor, there is a problem," Giannakouros said. "I work at my business at night, I like to feel safe."

Előzmény: Titanilla_ (6206)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2006.07.26 0 0 6210

" So I had to go through these really humiliating interviews where I was asked the most personal questions. Like why do I want to leave my widowed mother behind? Don't I love her enough? "

Rumor has it that staff members of the Embassy conducting personal interviews for visa applications are actually carefully screened, well-groomed, hand picked locals (Hungarians) who are really mean and can sometimes be downright nasty.

Is this rumor really true?


Előzmény: almaborvirag (6201)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2006.07.26 0 0 6209

" information superhighway "

I don't know if you meant this as a joke or not but that's ok.

The internet is called that way sometimes.




Előzmény: almaborvirag (6208)
almaborvirag Creative Commons License 2006.07.26 0 0 6208
Yes, thanks. I'm just figuring it out now. Can you tell me a bit more about the internet? What does the expression 'information superhighway' mean?
Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6207)
GyongyosMS Creative Commons License 2006.07.25 0 0 6207

" It is amazing how much you know. It must be difficult for you to find people here to 'talk to.' "

Welcome to the wonderful and powerful cyberworld of the internet, the information superhighway where the information is at your fingertips just a few keystrokes away. Enjoy.

Előzmény: almaborvirag (6205)
Titanilla_ Creative Commons License 2006.07.25 0 0 6206
I was just wondering, if I don't get the visa for some reason, I could have the Adventure Of A Lifetime by first going to Mexico, and trying to sneak in with the hordes of illegal immigrants through the border. Very, very exciting way of visiting my friends in the US, I mean people actually pay to take part in adventure trips that don't even come close to this experience. I might even pick up some Spanish along the way, at least the crucial expressions, like 'run quick, they're shooting' or 'you're not crossing this border until you pay, amigo'.
almaborvirag Creative Commons License 2006.07.25 0 0 6205
I've just found this topic and you sounded like someone who knows a lot about the place and about American culture and politics in general. It is amazing how much you know. It must be difficult for you to find people here to 'talk to.'
Előzmény: GyongyosMS (6204)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!