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Bateman Creative Commons License 2011.07.22 0 0 topiknyitó

A forgatókönyvet az a David Lindelof vetette papírra, aki a Lost TV sorozatot szállította. Az első kép is megjelent a minap, amihez a Wired magazin spoileres írását is csatoltam. A Comic Con-on ugyanis levetítették a képhez tartozó rövid jelenetet, amiről szól az alábbi cikk.





Here in Comic-Con’s Hall H, we saw a special featurette aboutScott’s new alien movie. The featurette starts with a medley of past Scott films, and then the title card, “RIDLEY SCOTT RETURNS TO THE GENRE HE REDEFINED, WITH AN ORIGINAL SCIENCE FICTION EPIC PROMETHEUS.” At first, you see Scott standing in a studio, and then in a big open space with weird ribs on the walls, and Scott says, “So here we are, I’m back again.” He explains that it’s a James Bond studio (Pinewood) and he could fit seven and a half jumbo jets in here.


And then the actual footage from the film starts, and its a huge flood of creeptastic imagery that recallsAlien but also a bit of 2001: A Space Odyssey. There are guys in pressure suits exploring an ancient chamber with weird hieroglyphs, and a guy in a spacesuit walking through a sliding door into a clean white chamber. And a guy (who might be Michael Fassbender) pulling a weird jelly-looking thing out of a canister. And as Scott’s voiceover notes that things that may look small in the film will turn out to be important, there is a shot of a drop of blood on a finger. There is Charlize Theron on a table with bandages wrapped around her breasts, as though she’s waking from hypersleep.


And then the footage gets faster and more furious, with a guy in a visor looking down at something, a woman in a suit walking into a red entryway, and a globe, and then Scott says, “The cast find an establishment which is not what they expected it to be, it’s a civilization but what we find in it is very uncivilized behavior.” And then there is insane carnage and people with goop inside their space helmets and someone shooting a flamethrower, and mayhem breaking loose in confined spaces. Meanwhile, Scott’s voiceover is saying that there will be biomechanoids and the film will “break new ground.” We see a giant pale planet with rings around it.


And then we see Charlize Theron doing pushups naked. Says Scott in the video, “There is a DNA of the original Alien, [but] that’s as far as it goes, everything else is completely different. It’s all about everything.” And now the people in the footage are crying and screaming and freaking out and the video is flickering like an interrupted signal. And Scott concludes, “Of course, what I want to do is scare the living shit out of you.”


Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!