
Részletes keresés

ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.09.07 0 0 23
nalam az argentinok a fekete lo (mar 2 eve)

azonban a mai meccs alapjan AB meg az irek is elverhetik a franciakat.
Előzmény: diegoo (22)
diegoo Creative Commons License 2007.09.07 0 0 22
Hogy pusztuljon el az összes tetves csigazabáló gyökér. Ez sokba fájt nekem...
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.09.07 0 0 21
na ennyit a franciakrol 12-17
Steve the Great Creative Commons License 2007.09.07 0 0 20

Az ITV ( közvetíti az összes meccset, mi több, a honlapjuk szerint mindez a neten is nézhető... Mivel ez csak Angliában érhető el (elvben), kell hozzá egy brit proxy is, aztán nézhetők az összecsapások... :) Legalábbis a francia-argentín nekem jól megy perpill...
golvago Creative Commons License 2007.09.07 0 0 19

a TV5 eloben adja franciak ossze meccset, igy a mait is.

ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.09.07 0 0 18
Legjobb reklam rahangolodni a vb-re:
( 2 eves Lions V All Blacks)
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.09.07 0 0 17

AB rajongo :) The Rock (Dwayne Johnson )
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.09.06 0 0 16
nagyon remelem hogy meg veletlen sem mutatnak angol meccset (foleg willko sincs)...

SA, NZ, Francia meccsek konbinacioi... esetleg Wales, es Samoa
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.09.06 0 0 15
Haka sztory:

News | Fixtures
Hakas and other war dances
Thursday 06th September 2007
Click here

Rugby football, via television have brought an aggressive form of South Pacific dancing, not the beautiful girls in hula skirts with leis around their necks to welcome American sailors in search of rest and recreation, as Technicolor movies told the world was how dancing was done in the islands. The four Pacific Island groups at the Rugby World Cup will show off their dances to the world, the best moments of prematch drama.

Even the Springboks, may have one up their sleeves.

It is a moment of gripping drama as the All Blacks perform their haka, now stylised and theatrical with the camera focussed on popping eyes and protruding tongues.

When island sides meet, as when the All Blacks of New Zealand played the Ikale Tahi of Tonga, Pacific Island group against Pacific Island group, they face each other and do their dances at the same time - great drama.

The people of the South Pacific - Polynesians, Melanesians and Micronesians have been there for thousands of years, drifting down from the Malay Archipelago in search of lebensraum from about 1 500 BC onwards till they reached their southern extremity, New Zealand, somewhere around 950AD.

This was an area off many islands. (Polynesia is a Greek word meaning just that - many islands.) Naturally it became an area of many languages as the various groups, in their segregation, learnt to speak in different ways. (The word for sky in Fijian, Tongan and Samoan is the same - langi. In Maori it is rangi.)

Being humankind these people fought, producing for a short period of their lives the practice of cannibalism, eating what the islanders euphemistically called long pigs, ceremonially rather than as a regular supplement to their diet of yams, fish and ordinary pigs. Being fighting people they developed war dances.

There are many, many forms of war dances. The haka performed by the All Blacks, for example, is only one form of war dance generically called the haka - and people still design their hakas.

The first New Zealand rugby team to abroad went to New South Wales in 1884 and they did a haka. The in 1988 that astonishing team went all over the world on a tour of 107 matches. They were called the New Zealand Native team. New Zealand was not long a colony by then and four of the natives were Pakehas, white men born in New Zealand. They also performed a haka which started with the words Ake ake kia kaha.

Then came the Originals, the first official team to head for Europe, the first team to be called the All Blacks and the first team to use the Kamate haka before a Test. They did so when they played Scotland and again when they played Wales. Led by their team the Welsh crowd responded by singing Land of My Fathers, the beginning of anthems before Test matches.

The 1905 All Black haka was not nearly as stylised and theatrical as it has become since television started zooming in on the players.

The Fijians perform the cibi, the Samoans the siva tau and the Tongans the sipi tau.

Haka is a generic term. In other words there are lots of war dances called a haka in New Zealand. They are Maori in origin.

The All Blacks may not sing the Maori version of their national anthem above an isolated mutter, but they certainly can perform their team's haka with enthusiasm.

The haka starts off with a growl by the leader and then the team jerk into aggressive posturing and chant.

The words of the All Black haka

The first bit of the haka is lead by a single All Black who calls out

Ringa pakia
Uma tiraha
Turi whatia
Hope whai ake
Waewae takahia kia kino

English Translation:

Slap the hands against the thighs
Puff out the chest
Bend the knees
Let the hip follow
Stamp the feet as hard as you can.

Then comes the team bit the Kamate haka in which they do what the leader had suggested and more

Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka ora!
Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka ora!
Tenei te tangata puhuru huru
Nana nei i tiki mai
Whakawhiti te ra
A upa ... ne! ka upa ... ne!
A upane kaupane whiti te ra!

English translation

I die! I die! I live! I live!
I die! I die! I live! I live!
This is the hairy man
Who fetched the Sun
And caused it to shine again
One upward step! Another upward step!
An upward step, another.. the Sun shines!!

There was a change on 27 August 2006 at the House of Pain, Carisbrook in Dunedin, when the All Blacks came up with a new haka, the controversial Kapa o pango haka with its throat-slitting action which some felt was over the top. This haka was written by Ngati Porou's Derek Lardelli. It has not often been used.

Kapa o pango kia whakawhenua au i ahau!
Hi aue, hi!
Ko Aotearoa e ngunguru nei!
Au, au, aue ha!
Ko Kapa o Pango e ngunguru nei!
Au, au, aue ha!nt!
I ahaha!
Ka tu te ihiihi
Ka tu te wanawana
Ki runga ki te rangi e tu iho nei,
tu iho nei, hi!
Ponga ra!
Kapa o Pango, aue hi!
Ponga ra!
Kapa o Pango, aue hi, ha!

English translation

Let me become one with the land
This is our land that rumbles
And it's my time! It's my moment!
This defines us as the All Blacks
It's my time! It's my moment!
Our dominance
Our supremacy will triumph
And will be placed on high
Silver fern!
All Blacks!
Silver fern!
All Blacks!

The Fijian rugby team has been using the cibi (pronounced thimbi) since 1939, though a dance antedating that. When the Bauan warriors returned from a victorious campaign they would dance the cibi while women praised them with songs and obscene gestures. This became the war cry cibi ni I valu.

The rugby team started using it in 1939, the year of the Fijians' first tour to New Zealand. The captain, Ratu Sir George Cakobau, was later Fiji's paramount chief as the Vunivalu and also became the Fiji's governor general. He asked Ratu Bola of the Navusaradave in Bau, for a cibi. Bola obliged and taught the team the war dance which they still use.

The cibi

Ai tei vovo, tei vovo
E ya, e ya, e ya, e ya;
Tei vovo, tei vovo
E ya e ya, e ya, e ya

Rai tu mai , rai tu mai
Oi au a viriviri kemu bai
Rai tu mai, rai ti mai
Oi au a viriviri kemu bai

Toa yalewa, toa yalewa,
Veico, veico, veico.
Au tabu moce koi au
Au moce ga ki domo ni biau.

E luvu koto ki ra nomu waqa
O kaya beka au sa luvu sara
Nomu bai e wawa mere
Au tokia ga ka tasere

English translation:

Make ready, make ready,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh;
Make ready, make ready
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh;

Look hither, look hither,
I build a breastwork for you,
Look hither, look hither,
I build a breastwork for you.

A cock and a hen,
They attack, attack, attack
It is tabu for me to slumber
Except to the sound of breakers.

Your ship is sunk below,
Don't think I'm drowned too.
Your defence is just waiting
To crumble when I prick it.

The Samoans have their chant proclaiming their bellicose manliness - the siva tau. They composed it for the 1991 rugby World Cup, replacing the "gentler Ma'ulu'ulu Moa on tour. It introduced the world to the word Manu - the Warrior.

Le Manu Samoa e, ia manú le fai o le faiva
Le Manu Samoa e, ia manú le fai o le faiva
Le Manu Samoa lenei ua ou sau
Leai se isi Manu o le atulaulau
Ua ou sau nei ma le mea atoa
Ma lo'u malosi ua atoatoa
Ia e faatafa ma e sósó ese
Leaga o lenei Manu e uiga ese
Le Manu Samoa! Le Manu Samoa!
Le Manu Samoa e o mai i Samoa!

English translation:

The Manu Samoa, may you succeed in your mission.
The Manu Samoa, here I come.
There is no other Manu anywhere.
Here I come completely prepared.
My strength is at its peak.
Make way and move aside
Because this Manu is unique.
The Manu Samoa,
The Manu Samoa,
The Manu Samoa reigns from Samoa.

Tonga, whose team's nickname is the Ikale Tahi, the Sea Eagle, has the sipi tau. Their finger-pointing war dance looks the most naturally bellicose of the lot.

The sipi tau

'Ei e! Ei e!
Teu lea pea tala ki mamani katoa
Ko e 'ikale taki kuo halofia
Ke 'ilo 'e he sola moe taka
Koe 'aho ni teu tamate tangata
'A e haafe mo e tautua'a
Kuo hu'i hoku anga tangata
He! He! 'Ei e. Tu
Teu peluki e molo moe foueti taka
Pea ngungu mo ha loto fita'a
Keu mate ai he ko hoku loto
Ko Tonga pe mate ki he moto
Ko Tonga pe mate ki he moto
'Ei e! Ei e!

English translation

I shall speak to the whole world
The sea eagle is starved
Let the foreigner and sojourner beware
Today, destroyer of souls I am, everywhere
To the half back and the backs
I have shed my human characteristics
Maul and loose forwards I shall mow
And crunch any fierce hearts you know
I drink the ocean and consume the fire
To death or victory my will is fine
That's how Tonga gives to her motto
To her motto, Tonga gives all
To her motto, Tonga gives all
Hi! Hi!
punyek Creative Commons License 2007.09.06 0 0 14
"Szeptember 7-én kezdődik Franciaországban a Rugby világbajnokság. Szurkoljon együtt barátaival nálunk. Egyedi, erre az eseményre készített ízekkel "Rugby falatokkal" várjuk. Szeptember 8-án este a Francia labdarúgó válogatott Olaszország ellen játszik Európa-bajnoki selejtezőt. Sorsdöntő összecsapás lesz, a világbajnoki döntő visszavágója."

Cafe Dumas Étterem és Kávézó
1011 Budapest, Fő u. 17. (a Francia Intézet földszintjén)

Telefonszám: +36 1 225 8417
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.09.04 0 0 13
Zidane is All Blacks rajongo :) talalkozot kert a csapattal, es a merccsekre is megy

Marseille has rolled out the red carpet for the All Blacks, including giving them the key to the city's door. But now the French have taken their famous hospitality to a stratospheric level.

The one they call Zizou, Zinedine Zidane, arguably France's most iconic sportsman, has requested a meeting with the All Blacks on Friday.

Nick Drake said Zidane was much like his fellow Marseille citizens - a big fan of the All Blacks.

"He specifically asked if we could arrange the meeting," he said.

"He wants to come to meet the All Blacks and he'll be coming to the game [in Marseille against Italy].
mirelitmalacorr Creative Commons License 2007.09.01 0 0 12

Tudja valaki, hogy valamelyik budapesti kocsmában vetítik-e a Rugby VB-t?

Atiss7 Creative Commons License 2007.08.28 0 0 11

Hello megint a DSF német csatorna 17 meccsett ad élöben!!!!


a meccsek közvetitésének idöpontjai: program, rugby


remélem tudtam segiteni

Atiss7 Creative Commons License 2007.08.28 0 0 10




Most néztem meg a Francia-Argentint a tv5Monde élöben adja!


A espn csatorna meg mostanában sok rögbi meccset lead csak nem a mostani vb meccseket

Nyugdijas_szektor Creative Commons License 2007.08.28 0 0 9
Óvatosan örüljünk, az Eurosport "mutációi" tudnak meglepetéseke okozni. Elég csak a magyar és nem magyar Eurosport 2 közötti különbségekre utalni.
Előzmény: yozz (8)
yozz Creative Commons License 2007.08.27 0 0 8



Az Eurosport francia honlapját nézegettem, és örömmel tapasztaltam, hogy a meccsek 2/3-a mellett az Eusport volt megjelölve, mint közvetítő csatorna, illetve a TF1 néhányszor. Szóval van esély. Ha valaki tud valami infot meccs nézés ügyben, ne tartsa magába, sztem minden rögbi szerető várja a VB-t, és szeretné látni is!


Üdv, Yozz

smiska Creative Commons License 2007.08.26 0 0 7
de nem ez a rögbi VB 2007 topik?
azért megnézem ott is..
Előzmény: eumenesz (6)
eumenesz Creative Commons License 2007.08.26 0 0 6
A rugby topikban nézz utána! Ott van néhány imformáció erről. Fejből nem emlékszem pontosan, de úgy tűnik, hogy láthatjuk a vébét, még ha esetleg a csoportmeccseket nem is.
Előzmény: smiska (5)
smiska Creative Commons License 2007.08.26 0 0 5
nem tudja valaki melyik ado adja majd a meccseket?
már amit magyarországon is lehet fogni..
előre is kösz a választ..
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.08.05 0 0 4
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.06.15 0 0 3
Del Afrika tortenete soran eloszor megnyerte a Deli Felteke Nz-Aus-Sa klub szuperkupat.

Super14 (regebben S12) sikeren felbuzdulva, 3 teszt (Valogatott) meccs utan (igen gyenge anglia, ill Samoa) elpaholasa utan, mar biztosra veszik a VB gyozelmuket.

Spiro Zavos
Rugby iro szerint az az afrikaiak tipikus mentalitasa.
(megjegyezve tavaly SA olyan botranyosan gyenge volt hogy rossz volt nezni.)

Zavos utal az Ausztralok iden 2 meccset jatszak kapott pont nelkul (kb 30-0 Wales 40-0 Fiji).

Ez azert erdekes mert az aussi vedelem ketszer volt a toppon (meg is nyertek a vb-t):

1991-ben 1 !!!! try kaptak az egesz! vb alatt
1999-ben 3-at!

99 legjobb vedoje (legtobb szereles) S Larkham volt. most is kezd belejonni habar palyafutasa utolso VB-re ugy be van faslizva mint egy mumia :))))
hobe Creative Commons License 2007.05.04 0 0 2
0ll Blacks
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.05.04 0 0 1
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.05.04 0 0 0
ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2007.05.04 0 0 topiknyitó
M Date Team 1 Team 2 Pool Venue KO (local French time)

1 07/09/2007 France Argentina D St Denis 21:00

2 08/09/2007 New Zealand Italy C Marseille 13:45
3 08/09/2007 Australia Japan B Lyon 15:45
4 08/09/2007 England USA A Lens 18:00

5 09/09/2007 Wales Canada B Nantes 14:00
6 09/09/2007 South Africa Samoa A Paris 16:00
7 09/09/2007 Scotland Portugal C St Etienne 18:00
8 09/09/2007 Ireland Namibia D Bordeaux 20:00

9 11/09/2007 Argentina Georgia D Lyon 20:00
10 12/09/2007 USA Tonga A Montpellier 14:00
11 12/09/2007 Japan Fiji B Toulouse 18:00
12 12/09/2007 Italy Romania C Marseille 20:00

13 14/09/2007 England South Africa A St Denis 21:00
14 15/09/2007 New Zealand Portugal C Lyon 13:00
15 15/09/2007 Wales Australia B Cardiff 15:00
16 15/09/2007 Ireland Georgia D Bordeaux 21:00

17 16/09/2007 Fiji Canada B Cardiff 14:00
18 16/09/2007 Samoa Tonga A Montpellier 16:00
19 16/09/2007 France Namibia D Toulouse 21:00

20 18/09/2007 Scotland Romania C Edinburgh 21:00
21 19/09/2007 Italy Portugal C Paris 20:00
22 20/09/2007 Wales Japan B Cardiff 21:00
23 21/09/2007 France Ireland D St Denis 21:00

24 22/09/2007 South Africa Tonga A Lens 14:00
25 22/09/2007 England Samoa A Nantes 16:00
26 22/09/2007 Argentina Namibia D Marseille 21:00
27 23/09/2007 Australia Fiji B Montpellier 14:30
28 23/09/2007 Scotland New Zealand C Edinburgh 17:00

29 25/09/2007 Canada Japan B Bordeaux 18:00
30 25/09/2007 Romania Portugal C Toulouse 20:00
31 26/09/2007 Georgia Namibia D Lens 18:00
32 26/09/2007 Samoa USA A St Etienne 20:00

33 28/09/2007 England Tonga A Paris 21:00
34 29/09/2007 New Zealand Romania C Toulouse 13:00
35 29/09/2007 Australia Canada B Bordeaux 15:00
36 29/09/2007 Wales Fiji B Nantes 17:00
37 29/09/2007 Scotland Italy C St Etienne 21:00

38 30/09/2007 France Georgia D Marseille 15:00
39 30/09/2007 Ireland Argentina D Paris 17:00
40 30/09/2007 South Africa USA A Montpellier 20:00

41 06/10/2007 W Pool B RU Pool A QF1 Marseille 15:00
42 06/10/2007 W Pool C RU Pool D QF2 Cardiff 21:00
43 07/10/2007 W Pool A RU Pool B QF3 Marseille 15:00
44 07/10/2007 W Pool D RU Pool C QF4 St Denis 21:00

45 13/10/2007 W QF1 W QF2 SF1 St Denis 21:00
46 14/10/2007 W QF3 W QF4 SF2 St Denis 21:00

47 19/10/2007 Bronze Paris 21:00
48 20/10/2007 Final St Denis 21:00

Tournament Rules

The 20 Teams will be allocated to four pools of five Teams each in accordance with the RWC 2007 draw. The pool phase will consist of a round robin in which each Team shall play each other Team within the pool once. There shall be 10 Matches played in each pool, for a total of 40 Matches in the pool phase of the Tournament.
Match points system

The following number of Match points will be awarded for each pool phase match:

* Win - 4 points
* Draw - 2 points
* 4 or more tries - 1 point
* Loss by 7 points or less - 1 point

Rankings at the completion of the pool phase

At the completion of the pool phase, the Teams in a pool are ranked one through five based on their cumulative Match points, and identified respectively as winner, runner up, third, fourth and fifth.

If at the completion of the pool phase two or more Teams are level on Match points, then the following criteria shall be used in the following order until one of the Teams can be determined as the higher ranked:

i. the winner of the Match in which the two tied Teams have played each other shall be the higher ranked;

ii. the Team which has the best difference between points scored for and points scored against in all its pool Matches shall be the higher ranked;

iii. the Team which has the best difference between tries scored for and tries scored against in all its pool Matches shall be the higher ranked;

iv. the Team which has scored most points in all its pool Matches shall be the higher ranked;

v. the Team which has scored most tries in all its pool Matches shall be the higher ranked;

vi. should the tie be unresolved at the conclusion of steps (i) through (v), the Team that is higher ranked in the updated Official IRB World Rankings on October 1, 2007.

Qualification / elimination at the conclusion of the pool phase

The winner and runner-up in each pool shall be qualified for the quarter-finals. Teams ranked third, fourth and fifth shall be eliminated from the Tournament.

The first two Teams in each pool will progress to the quarter-final round, which will be contested by knockout Matches. The quarter-final Matches will be determined as follows:

QF 1 - Winner pool B v Runner up pool A

QF 2 – Winner pool C v Runner up pool D

QF 3 - Winner pool A v Runner up pool B

QF 4 - Winner pool D v Runner up pool C

Teams winning quarter-final Matches shall qualify for the semi-finals, and Teams losing quarter-final Matches shall be eliminated from the Tournament.

The semi-final Matches will be contested by knockout Matches, as follows:

SF 1 - Winner QF1 v Winner QF2

SF 2 - Winner QF3 v Winner QF4

The winners of the semi-final Matches shall qualify for the Final, and the losers of the semi-final Matches shall contest the Bronze Final.

Pool phase

If Teams are tied at fulltime, the Match will be deemed a draw and the respective Match points shall be awarded to each Team.

Knockout Matches

For quarter final Matches, semi-final Matches, the Bronze Final and the Final, if Teams are tied at fulltime, then the winner shall be determined through the following sequential criteria;

i. extra time - following an interval of 5 minutes, extra time of 10 minutes each way (with an interval of 5 minutes) shall be played;

ii. sudden death - if the scores are tied at the conclusion of extra time, and following an interval of 5 minutes, then a further extra time of 10 minutes maximum shall be played. During this period the first Team to score any points shall be declared the winner (sudden death);

iii. kicking competition - if after this sudden death period no winner can be declared, a kicking competition will be organised between the two Teams. The winner of that competition shall be declared the winner of the Match.

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!