
Részletes keresés

s h a k t i Creative Commons License 2020.03.19 0 0 3460

Superstore inkább. Well stocked at 7am.

Előzmény: k e r o (3458)
s h a k t i Creative Commons License 2020.03.19 0 0 3459
k e r o Creative Commons License 2020.03.18 0 0 3458

Aszongyák hogy a canadian tireban van wc papir



k e r o Creative Commons License 2020.03.16 0 0 3457

Today, we announced further measures to contain the spread of COVID-19. We’re asking Canadians to practice social distancing and avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada. To reduce risk, we have suspended the cruise ship season in Canada, and we’re reducing the number of airports that accept overseas flights to strengthen the processing and screening of arriving passengers.

Take care of each other. We’re in this together and we all have a role to play in protecting each other. Wash your hands, cough into your sleeve, and stay home if you’re sick. Your government has your back and we’ll get through this together.

Posted by Justin, from Patty Hajdu

k e r o Creative Commons License 2020.03.13 0 0 3456
k e r o Creative Commons License 2020.03.13 0 0 3455

I have some additional news to share this evening. Unfortunately, the results of Sophie’s COVID-19 test are positive. Therefore, she will be in quarantine for the time being. Her symptoms remain mild and she is taking care of herself and following the advice of our doctor.

I am feeling fine and I’m not exhibiting any symptoms of the virus, but I will also be following the advice of our doctor and I will continue to self-isolate for now. During that time, as I did today, I’ll continue to work from home and conduct meetings via video and teleconference.

Tomorrow, I will be speaking with Indigenous leaders and premiers from across the country to coordinate our response to the outbreak and to talk about next steps to keep Canadians safe and limit the impact of COVID-19 on our economy.

I encourage all Canadians to follow the advice of our medical professionals – you can get the latest at:
J’ai d’autres nouvelles à vous annoncer ce soir. Malheureusement, le résultat du test de Sophie pour la COVID-19 est positif. Elle sera donc en quarantaine pour le moment. Ses symptômes restent légers, elle prend soin d’elle et suit les conseils du médecin.

Je me sens bien et je n’ai aucun symptôme du virus, mais je vais suivre les conseils du médecin et rester en


isolement pour le moment. Pendant ce temps, comme je l’ai fait aujourd’hui, je vais travailler de la maison etorganiser des rencontres par vidéo et téléconférence.

Demain, je vais parler aux dirigeants autochtones et aux premiers ministres pour coordonner notre réponse face à l’éclosion de la COVID-19 et parler des mesures à prendre pour protéger les Canadiens et limiter ses effets surnotre économie.

J’encourage tous les Canadiens à suivre les conseils des professionnels de la santé et de consulter le site :


Justin Trudeau

wet'suwet'en Creative Commons License 2020.02.15 0 0 3453

On this day in 1965, Canada’s red and white maple leaf flag was raised for the first time on Parliament Hill, and February 15, was declared National Flag Day of Canada.

This year is the 55th anniversary, reminding Canadians of their common values such as equality, diversity and inclusion. Take a look through the photos below and see how Canadian embassies all over the world are celebrating Flag Day!


s h a k t i Creative Commons License 2020.02.10 0 0 3452

lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.12.26 0 0 3438
Előzmény: lassú vheez (3436)
lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.12.21 0 0 3437
Előzmény: lassú vheez (3435)
lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.12.15 0 0 3436
lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.12.14 0 0 3435
lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.12.13 0 0 3434
lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.12.07 0 0 3433
Előzmény: lassú vheez (3432)
lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.12.07 0 0 3432

Soha nem szerettem, lett légyen ottawai, félig magyar..nagyon nem jött be

most meg libabőrös leszek tőle...

lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.11.29 0 0 3431

trampli zokni. Hatalmas :-))


lassú vheez  15 perce    0 0 23389

trampli kap pár fuszeklit az ingyen reklámért :-))))))))

lassú vheez  30 perce    0 0 23388

Calgary thanks you fucking moron :-)))

lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.11.26 0 0 3430

lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.11.12 0 0 3429

lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.11.12 0 0 3428

Don Cherry, let me introduce you to "you people".


My great grandfather, Hira Singh, who served in WW1 & WW2 under the British.

All sorts of people have served and paid the ultimate sacrifice in the name of Canada.

Women, immigrants, LGBTQ2S Canadians, Indigenous people.


There is no "you people”. We’re all as Canadian as the next. We honour all who served.

That's what Canada is all about.


Jagmeet Singh


lassú vheez Creative Commons License 2019.11.11 0 0 3427
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2019.10.26 0 0 3425

vizeskettes Creative Commons License 2019.10.24 0 0 3424

4 napja csupa négyézláb mászöó kisbabáké a topik.

Nekik vakó.


Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2019.10.22 0 0 3423

Che el Mano Creative Commons License 2019.10.22 0 0 3422
Che el Mano Creative Commons License 2019.10.22 0 0 3421

CBC projects Liberals win.

Che el Mano Creative Commons License 2019.10.21 0 0 3420
Che el Mano Creative Commons License 2019.10.21 0 0 3419

Nanos Election Call >


Conservatives 32.5,

Liberals 31.7,

NDP 20.8,

BQ 7.2,

Greens 6.0, PPC 1.5


2:06 pm

Che el Mano Creative Commons License 2019.10.21 0 0 3418

Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2019.10.21 0 0 3417

Che el Mano Creative Commons License 2019.10.21 0 0 3416

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!