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Salvor2 Creative Commons License 4 napja 0 1 20383

China's Ministry of Finance (MOF) and other entities have set up an investment fund to boost the development of the semiconductor industry, as the country seeks to strengthen self-reliance in critical technologies amid growing protectionism and restrictions by the U.S., according to media reports on Monday.


With registered capital of 334 billion yuan ($47.5 billion), the fund underscores China's firm resolve and confidence in boosting the semiconductor industry, and it will accelerate technological breakthroughs, especially in the manufacturing of advanced chips, industry experts said.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 5 napja 0 2 20382

"A Német Ipari és Kereskedelmi Kamara (DIHK) azonban 2024-ben összességében a német export stagnálására számít. A kínai piac ugyanis nehezebben megközelíthetővé vált a német exportőrök számára. "Kína feljebb lépett az értékláncban, és egyre inkább maga állítja elő azokat az összetettebb árukat, amelyeket korábban Németországból importált" - mondta Vincent Stamer, a Commerzbank közgazdásza."

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.05.26 0 1 20381

Share of China's trade settled in yuan/dollar:


Léjjjzer Creative Commons License 2024.05.23 0 1 20380

Ez menő.

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20379)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.05.22 0 1 20379

Empowered by the 5G-A network, drones can deliver seafood from Zhoushan, in East China's Zhejiang Province, to East China's Shanghai Municipality, over a distance of 177 kilometers within an hour, telecom operator China Mobile said on Tuesday.


Seafood can be served to consumers in a restaurant within about two hours, significantly ensuring the quality of seafood.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.05.21 0 1 20378

Lehet, hogy a jelenlegi haborus pszichozis oka eppen az, hogy elokeszitsek a katonai kiadasok drasztikus noveleset (amihez mashonnan kell elvonni penzt).


Kar, hogy Lloyd deMause mar nem el, fantasztikus erzeke volt a tarsadalmi folyamatoknak es azok manipulaciojanak a felismeresehez es leirasahoz (az elso obol haborut meg az elott megjosolta, hogy Irak megtamadta Kuvaitot - nem tudta, hogy hol lesz haboru, de azt tudta, hogy lesz, mert az amerikai tarsadalmat haborura keszitik fel).


Előzmény: Salvor2 (20377)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.05.21 0 0 20377

History confirms that a nation (or empire) is always doomed the moment its debt expenses (in interest terms alone) exceed its defense spending.


Jelenleg az USA allamadossag kamata 40%-kal magasabb, mint a katonai kiadas (pedig az nem keves).

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.05.21 0 2 20376

"A kínai vámhatóság adatai szerint az ázsiai ország 9,26 millió tonna kőolajat szerzett be Oroszországból...5,7 milliárd dollárért


Aprilisban Szaúd-Arábia összesen 6,34 millió tonna kőolajat szállított Kínának több mint 4 milliárd dollár értékben."


Kb. ugyanolyan aru a szaudi es az orosz olaj.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.05.14 0 2 20375

Nagy gyomrost vitt be Kína és India az energetikai átállásnak


Kina: "A villamosenergia-igény azonban az évtized eleje óta hétszeresére nőtt"


Ez eliras, 2000 ota nott a hetszeresere, de igy is durva. Ketszer annyi aramot termelnek es fogyasztanak, mint az USA.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.05.14 0 0 20374

"A Goldman Sachs előrejelzése szerint a kínai ICE autógyárak kapacitáskihasználtsága az idei 54%-ról 2030-ra 48%-ra csökken, míg az elektromos járművek kapacitáskihasználása az idei 58%-ról körülbelül 80%-ra javul az évtized végére."


A kulfoldi gyartok, pl. a nemetek, visszaszorulnak.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.05.14 0 0 20373

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.05.09 0 1 20372

Aprilisban 550 ezer gepjarmuvet (auto, teherauto, busz) exportalt Kina. Ezek szerint evi 6 millios exportra is lenne kapacitasuk. 


Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.24 -1 1 20371

Citing the Global Innovation Index 2023, which was issued by the World Intellectual Property Organization, Shen added that China had owned 24 of the top 100 science and technology clusters by the end of last year, ranking first in the world for the first time.


According to the index, in 2023, as in previous years, the top 100 S&T clusters were concentrated in three regions, namely, Northern America, Europe and Asia, and more specifically, in two countries: China and the United States.


For the first time in 2023, China was the economy that had the most clusters ranked among the top 100, overtaking the US with 21 clusters unchanged on the year, the index said.


Data released by Shen on Wednesday showed that China authorized 921,000 invention patents last year, up 15.3 percent year-over-year.


More than 6.4 million works were registered as copyrights last year, an increase of 42.3 percent compared with that in 2022, he said.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.22 0 1 20370

China's freight train 55066 with a record load capacity of 32,400 metric tons successfully completed a trial run along the Shuozhou-Huanghua railway on Saturday.


Consisting of 324 carriages, the formation is hauled by four high power alternating current electric locomotives and has a total length of 4,088 meters.


32 ezer tonna szenet szallitott.

zdcmchy Creative Commons License 2024.04.18 -1 0 20369

Az nem tetszik, hogy Kínáról úgy gondolkodol mint ha egy ország lenne. Össze lehetne mosni íggy dél é észak amerikát is.

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20368)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.18 0 1 20368

China's electricity consumption, a key barometer of economic activity, logged robust expansion from January to March, according to the National Energy Administration.


The power use in the first three months of 2024 climbed 9.8 percent year-on-year to around 2.34 trillion kilowatt-hours, the administration said on Wednesday.


Az elozo kinai miniszterelnok kedvenc meroszama (Li index) a realgazdasag mukodesere olyan osszetevokbol all, mint az energiafogyasztas, aramfogyasztas, vasuti teherszallitas stb.


Ez alapjan az EU es az USA realgazdasag mar jo ideje recesszioban van. A kinai meg sokkal gyorsabban no, mint a GDP mutatja.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.16 0 0 20367

China's CR450 EMU prototype, with a designed speed of 400 kilometers per hour, is scheduled to roll off the assembly line within 2024, according to a senior official with China State Railway Group.


Significant progress has been made in the innovation of railway infrastructure technology for 400 kilometers per hour and the construction of comprehensive test sections for higher speeds, said Zhang Dayong, director of the Technology and Information Department of China Railway Corporation. 


The CR450's predecessor, Fuxing CR400 EMU, has been operating on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway since September 2017, with an operation speed of 350 kilometers per hour, a global benchmark for high-speed rail operation speed.


Since its launch in 2021, the CR450 Technology Innovation Project has completed the development of 17 new technology component prototypes. It has conducted 57 tests on the basis of the CR400. 


In the test runs, the new project created a series of new records including the reaching of a single EMU open-line speed of 453 kilometers per hour. It's relative speed, measured when two trains move in opposite directions, reached as high as 891 kilometers per hour during the test. 


The CR450 high-speed train has entered the stage of construction design and prototype development, Zhang said.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.16 0 0 20366

S&P Global Commodity Insights projects the share of nuclear power to be higher in the generational mix of coastal provinces at 15 percent in 2035, up from 11 percent in 2021, while China's nuclear generation capacity will reach 145 gigawatts in 2035, more than double the 2025 target level.


In China's latest 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25), the government has called for nuclear generation capacity expansion to 70 GW in 2025.


According to the blue book, China continues to lead the world in the number of nuclear power units under construction at 26. Total planned installed capacity of 30.30 GW is currently under construction, ranking tops worldwide, it said.


The share of nuclear power generation is expected to reach 18 percent by 2060, which is similar to the current average level for members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.16 0 0 20365

In 2023, China's BYD outpaced Tesla for the second year in a row, producing more than 3 million new energy vehicles and becoming the world's largest electric vehicle seller, while Tesla made 1.84 million cars in 2023.


Musk has previously recognized that China is Tesla's biggest rival in the EV area. "The Chinese car companies are extremely competitive," Musk said in November. "China is super good at manufacturing, and the work ethic is incredible.


"There's a lot of people who are out there who think that the top 10 car companies are going to be Tesla followed by nine Chinese car companies. I think they might not be wrong," Musk said.


Mind a 10 kinai lesz? Vagy a Tesla is ott lesz azert, de nem az elso helyen?

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.16 0 0 20364

Kinai repulesi adatok. A nemzetkozi cargo 43%-os novekedese mogott valoszinuleg a nagy kinai webaruhazak vannak.


In terms of passenger transport, civil aviation transported nearly 180 million passengers in the first quarter, representing a 37.7 percent year-on-year increase and a 10.2 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019.


Specifically, domestic passenger transport routes served 160 million passengers, showing a 14.3 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019, while international routes served 14.12 million passengers, reaching 78 percent of the level recorded during the same period in 2019.


In cargo transport, the industry transported nearly 2.01 million tons of goods in the first quarter, marking a 34.4 percent year-on-year increase and a 19.6 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019.


Among them, domestic cargo transport routes accounted for 1.23 million tons, showing an 8.2 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019, while international routes accounted for 775,000 tons, showing a 43.6 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.14 0 0 20363

Peter Tchir of Academy Securities recently wrote that he is "worried that as we restrict things for China, it will make them better at it. I think that we've asked before how China is making so many phones with 7 nanometer chips, when there have been restrictions in place on chips thinner than 10 nanometers."


Kina most ratesz erre egy lapattal. 2027-ig a kinai telekom cegeknek ki kell vonniuk az intel es amd chipeket.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.14 0 0 20362

Januar-marciusi kinai jarmuexport (auto, busz, teherauto) 1.3 millio, 24%-kal tobb, mint egy eve. Csak marciusban 490 ezer jarmuvet exportaltak.


A kinai autoipar felfutasa szepen latszik a kinaba iranyulo nemet eporton is, ami januar-marciusban 17%-kal esett vissza.

zdcmchy Creative Commons License 2024.04.02 -2 0 20361

A helyedben, ha ennyire kedveled a nagy számokat, nem Kínáról hozmám az adatokat hanem az egész Földről.

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20360)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.02 0 1 20360

Coal production and import volumes in China reached historic highs last year.


The national raw coal production in 2023 reached 4.71 billion metric tons, representing a year-on-year increase of 3.4 percent. Coal imports soared to 474 million tons, a 61.8 percent increase compared to the previous year. Coal exports also saw a rise, reaching 4.47 million tons, an 11.7 percent increase year-on-year.


By the year-end, the number of coal mines nationwide had reduced to around 4,300, with large-scale coal mines producing over 1.2 million tons annually accounting for over 85 percent of the national total, a 5 percentage point increase from 2020.


Tobb mint 3000 szenes eromuvuk van, 1000 GW teljesitmennyel. De pl. a cementipar is foleg szennel megy (mehetne foldgazzal is), es a vagyipar is nagy szenfelhasznalo.

zdcmchy Creative Commons License 2024.03.30 -2 0 20359

Mondogatom, hogy túlértékeled a kínai teljesítményt.


1930 tól 1960 ig mindenhová be lett vezetve az áram, ez volt a horthy korszak.

1960 tól 1990 ig mindenhova be lett vezetve a víz, ez volt a kádárkorszak

1990 től 2020 ig mindenhova be lett vezetve a telefon, ez volt az orbán korszak.


Érdekes, egy emberöltő alatt egy infrastrukturát lehet megcsinálni, nem gyorsabb ennél a kínai se.

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20347)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.03.26 0 0 20358


Ez a tiszta hus/halhus mennyisege. A teljes mennyiseg (husban levo csonttal, illetve tisztitatlan hal, rak, stb. tomeg) ezeknel 30%-kal tobb/haromszorosa.


Tobb hust es halat (joval tobbet) esznek, mint mi. A hal, rak stb. 82%-at akvakulturakban allitjak elo, a tobbi a vad fogas.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.03.17 0 0 20357

22%-os hitelkartya-kamat mellett. 

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.03.13 0 0 20356

USA teljes (allami+privat) adossag tavaly ev vegen: 98.4 ezer milliard dollar.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.03.13 0 0 20355

US Spent More Than Double What It Collected In February, As 2024 Deficit Is Second Highest Ever... And Debt Explodes


The budget deficit will growth another $16 TRILLION over next 10 years. That's with the proposed massive tax hikes. Without them the deficit will grow $19 trillion. That's why you will hear the "deficit is being reduced by $3 trillion" over the decade.

elm327 Creative Commons License 2024.03.12 0 0 20354

benéztem hátha tanulok valamit

de csak kina, meg kinai hidak vanak.

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!